At BASIS Charter Schools, we’ve tested and confirmed something we believed from the start: When faced with a challenge, the vast majority of students will rise to meet it, rather than shrink from it.
Revolutionary, comprehensive, and advanced: an academic program designed to prepare students for a brilliant future.
We have studied the best performing schools in the world. We continue to consider what works well and analyze how to make the BASIS Charter School Curriculum better every year.
From an academic standpoint, the BASIS Charter School Curriculum provides a foundation of disciplinary knowledge that fuels critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.
From a behavioral standpoint, teachers in every grade focus on and motivate the development of two fundamental competencies: the organization of complex tasks and the productive management of limited time.
From a cultural standpoint, the BASIS Charter School Curriculum invites participation, requires an appreciation of diverse perspectives, pushes boundaries, and demands professionalism.
Late Start–Jump Start. Seats available today for 2024. |